Nexsure® Release (01-22-2021)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Retail Agent Fee Invoice - Added RA Fee Invoices to the Batch Reconciliation transactions list
- Retail Agent Fee Invoice – Added logic for RA Fee Receivable invoices within Batch Recon. Currently only Payable invoices are supported
- Re-certification for Main Street America Auto Home and Umbrella
- Re-certification for Hanover BOP
- Updated Agraria Download Coverage Codes
- Added a Premium column to Retail Agent Payables report
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue in which a few People Payables meeting a very specific criteria were not showing in People Reconciliations
- Corrected an issue in which adding a new Retail Agent was not automatically selecting the Service Automation options on the contact based upon the settings within Service Automation Setup
- Corrected an issue in which clicking the "TO" line on a delivery would not show the contact if the contact was also marked as an employee
- Optimized the search performance on the Client Level Delivery screen
- Corrected an issue in which the Primary Assignment was showing False instead of True on Expiration report
- Corrected an issue in which the Action Last Memo column was not always populating on the Claims report
- Corrected an issue on the Aged Client Accounts Receivable Detail and Summary reports in which the reports were previously using the Date Created date as opposed to the Date Booked date to determine when a pre-paid invoice should show on the report